Tuesday 30 November 2010

Skip Hire Prices

It may come as no surprise to many of you that the price of skips has gone through the roof in recent months.This has beem mainly due to a raise in ladfill tax which at the time of writing is about £45.00.There has been of course a natural inflationary rise in fuel to but none of this helps the poor guys who are trying to make a living out of this industry.
I am also in the construction industry and have found that this rise in cost is increasingly difficult to pass on to the client. However before I start to get peoples backs up with my whinging, let me first give you some reasons as to why landfill tax has become so high.
  1. The UK's inability to recycle effectively skip hire prices
  2. General poor eduction on recycling
  3. No incentive recycle (privately or commercially)
Landfill is a great option if you have plenty of land and don't really care about long term effects on the environment,but of course most of us do.

This of course will have a massive impact on especially in the UK where available landfill is sparse.

Let me know your thoughts on what solutions are available or perhaps some you have thought of yourselves.